blonde woman in sportswear sitting on treadmill machine during exercise break and using smart phone at gym

As regular readers of my blog will know, (hey mum 👏) every year Prohibition prepares a social media trends webinar where my business partner Will Ockenden and I go through the latest social media trends. We try to predict emerging trends and things to be aware of using our own data and our experiences with clients and of course from our social media strategy training workshops. I have to be honest, sometimes we get them bang on and sometimes we hilariously don’t but we always try to make sure we add some value to the people that turn up to hear us speak.

We have had more than 4,000 marketers attend our workshops over the last 12 months, so if you fancy coming along feel free to register for the full social media trends 2023 webinar here.

However, if you don’t want to see the whole webinar, below I have included a highlights video from our social media trends webinar back in January 2023 – I hope you like it.
