Social Media Training for Retail: An Overview
Retailers are one sector that is most likely to get the most significant benefit from strategic social media marketing. Social media encourages brands to evolve in their communication with their consumers.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a digital purchase or an in-store buy, social followers mean potential business to brands of all shapes and sizes and so it should be seen as a genuine opportunity to harness.
Retail’s use of social media has grown in the UK, as consumers increasingly engage more with brands online. Social media from marketers though should be centred around the journey of the customer – in other words, aim to be customer-centric first. The beauty of retail social media is that you can engage with people at just about any point in the customer lifecycle. However, this can make it challenging to get the most from your campaigns. It is, therefore, crucial to understand the tactics and strategies that have been proven to work among today’s top retailers.
In this session, we will break down retail social media, and what brands in this sector need to do to get ahead in a modern.

Master Social Media Management for Retail to Win More Customers!
Big-spending retail brands like Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior and Gucci are all committing large budgets towards social media as they target social networks in the pursuit of younger shoppers. Without the entry barriers of magazine advertising— where a one-page glossy ad can cost tens of thousands of pounds— sites like Instagram have made it possible for unknown labels to find audiences with shrewd or intelligent campaigns.
As the bloggers and influencers usage becomes more mainstream in retail, fees per sponsored post ordered by those with four million followers have reached well over £15K according to marketing experts. We will show you how you can maximise social media to stay ahead of the curve, and you can maximise your luxury social media budget.

Why Choose Us for your Retail Social Media Marketing Training?
We have been delivering social media training programmes to retail business owners, marketers and communication specialists for more than nine years. Over the last decade, we have delivered more than 400 courses and seminars.
Our team of trainers are all specialists in retail social media marketing delivery, as well as training, which means we live and breathe social media marketing and do it ourselves on a day to day basis. The team won Best Agency of 219 and Best Integrated Campaign of 219 at the Prolific North Awards. So if you are looking to either learn the very basics, develop further or pick up on the latest advancements in social media marketing theory and practice, we are positive we can provide the right course for you.
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Hundreds of retail brands Social Media trained by us
We are an award-winning team that has provided training courses up and down the country. We have delivered social media training programmes to big brands and household names all across the UK from Skipton Building Society, Goldsmiths, The Royal Shakespeare Company, Northumbria University, Engie, Barbour, Keepmoat Homes, Bonmarché, The University of Leeds, Manchester Metropolitan University and Games Workshop to name a few. If you require strategic social media training for your team, then we are the right team for you.
Our Social Media Training for Retail focus on ROI
Our team of social media trainers fully understand that a return on investment is now critical in retail if you want to secure more funding for your social media programmes moving forward. We consider ROI for the construction of our courses, and we ensure that everything we do is aimed at being data and insight-driven first, so you can report on the most relevant KPIs and metrics first and then offer some explanation on what your investment in social media marketing has returned.
We are strategic
We are thoroughly focused on being as vital as possible with our retail, social media courses and to help ensure you and your team get the most from it, we always provide a pre-training questionnaire to clarify what the attendees most want from the course. We then review these objectives during the session and re-examine them to ensure the attendees have got the maximum from the instruction on the day.
We speak your language and deliver actionable learning
Because our team are all award-winning marketing practitioners, we understand the little things you will need to know to get ahead in retail. We won’t dress it up in corporate b*llshit – our training will be straight talking actionable learning that you can each take back to your desk from day one.
We offer Post-course support
For every training course, we deliver we offer four weeks post-course support, where any attendee can call our team in the office to ask for help, advice or a specific question about the content of the course. Our trainers will be more than happy to advise and help to make sure you are putting your new actionable learning into practice in your day job.
Our Social Media Training Classes are Interactive
All of our social media classes have interactive elements as social media marketing is online – so where is the best place to practice? Each course will have several breakout sessions to make the attendees put what they have heard and seen into action. This is because we believe the best way to learn is actually to do it.
Our work is “big brand” standard
Our team has worked for big brands for several years – we know how challenging it can be to keep your team up to speed on the latest developments in digital and social media marketing. Every year we provide seminars on the latest social media trends and the latest shiny thing in marketing. We can help upskill your team, so they correctly understand the more strategic side of social media marketing.
Brands That Trust Us

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Who should attend the Social Media Training for Retail?
All of our retail social media courses are designed for either retail business owners, marketing teams or communications professionals that are looking to update their employees and improve their sector knowledge. To attend one of our courses, you will need to be a bright, enthusiast and most of all, willing to learn something new and participate in the group discussions. If you are eager to learn, we will provide the building blocks to a much more successful social media marketing programme.
What will I learn with the Social Media Training for Retail?
Our retail social media course covers all aspects of using social media in the retail environment and looks at good and bad practices with real-world examples. We will show you what content works in retail and what doesn’t – we will look at what makes some content go viral, and some be like everything else on the social web.
Following this training course in retail social media you will be able to:
- Enhance visibility and improving brand awareness and perception
- Meet Retail targets and increase sales
- Develop a nurturing system to convert contacts to clients
- Increase communication with prospective buyers
- Enhance the customer experience
- Leverage relationships with relevant communities
Social Media Training for Retail – The Foundations
The foundations in retail social media are fundamental; we will look at the killer aspects of why it is crucial and which platforms are best for which brands. We will look at the best ways to plan and the best ways to amplify your content to your committed fans. We will look at different strategies and help you to decide on what is going to be best for you when you get back to your office. We will also look at the following:
- Why is social media important for retail?
- Which social media platform is best for retail?
- How do you create a social media plan for retail?
- How can social media be used to promote retail?
Social media Training for retail: how to create a compelling customer journey
Social media has never been more critical for those in retail. It’s a fundamental way of standing out in the minds of your customers in today’s multi-channel landscape. The journey of the customer is increasingly influenced by digital and mobile devices and social plays a crucial role in this consumer experience, from engagement, retention, service through to customer acquisition, loyalty and even brand advocacy.
Social is a tool to bridge the gap between customer experience, loyalty, customer service and the spirit of discovery and emotions that make shopping enjoyable in stores.
Social networking is about education, content marketing, and showing your passion for helping customers, providing them with a glimpse of your goods and inspiring them with customer success stories.
Excellent social can elevate your brand above the competition and increase your overall sales. Here are some of the best practices and ideas that we will help you with:
- Adopt an omnichannel social presence
- Use social media to supplement your existing marketing campaigns
- Gather feedback from your social customers
- Dedicate time to providing social customer service
- Listen for trends to influence your product and content strategies
- Curate user-generated content to promote your satisfied customers
- Make social shopping as seamless as possible
- Remarket to current and former customers
- Don’t forget your physical packaging
- Increase your customer lifetime value over time
How are you using social media for retail?
A vital part of the training will be the breakout sessions where we openly discuss what we have heard and try to put into practice what you have learned. We will be talking about the following.
- Discuss your Retail Social Media Strategy and align with business goals
- Discussing brands with excellent social media strategies
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The Benefits of our Social Media Training for Retail
There are several benefits to this retail social media training which include enhancing skills because by training your staff, you can harness the power of their presentation skills and their enhanced marketing skills.
By empowering your in-house team through the development of their social skills and knowledge, you will give them a sense of ownership.
Managing your social media allows you to cut a middleman between you and your customers. We know retail customers are online, and we know they’re likely to have questions about your brand or have something to say about you (positive or negative), so who’s better off talking to these customers than you and your employees? After all, who knows your brand better than those who represent it every single day? Social media marketing is about so much more than just talking to your customers with promotional messages once a day; the real value comes from engagement. With the right level of knowledge, a sense of ownership and confidence in your abilities, your home teams are the perfect people to engage with your clients online on a daily basis.
Retail Brands Social Media Training Tips
New and well-established brands use social media to increase their follow-up, generate leads and increase sales. Building a retail brand that uses social services may feel like a massive undertaking with all the different platforms available to you. However, it’s easier than ever to use social media to connect with people and grow your retail brand organically.
Whether you’ve just started or been active on social media platforms for years now, there’s always room for improvement. Each platform has different uses.
This session will cover social media tips and tricks that you can use to optimise your marketing strategy.

Check Our Social Media Training for Retail Availability
Retail Brands Social Media Training Duration
This retail social media training course can be undertaken over a half-day or a full day depending on your requirements.
Retail Brands Social Media Training Cost
If you are interested in training your social media team and would like a cost, please feel free to either drop us an email or give us a call.