Warning this is not a PR related post! You may have noticed I haven’t posted for a week or so – well that’s because I have been away on holiday to the coast. I managed to drag myself away from Wolfstar for a few days and took my little boy and wife away with some friends.

It didn’t exactly go to plan, so here are my seven things not to do on your holiday to help you avoid the same mishaps.

  1. Don’t book your holiday on the wettest day of the year
  2. Don’t travel to the wettest place in the UK on the wettest day of the year
  3. Don’t park your car on grass on the wettest day of the year, as the following day it may be stuck and require several mud-covered individuals to help you push it out
  4. Don’t run from the rain with your wallet in your pocket so all your money and credit cards get lost on the sea front
  5. Don’t take your HTC Mobile with you and actually expect it to work (broke first day)
  6. Don’t expect your little boy to be well. He caught the vomiting virus on the second day
  7. Don’t think you are not going to catch it either – three days later started to feel better

And now I am back to work. Oh well there is always next year.
