I am delighted to announce that I will be speaking (along with a number of other people) at the Nexus Lunch and Learn event on 19th November. Nexus is a relatively new client of ours, it is based at the University of Leeds and helps to innovative businesses. We are delighted to be working with them and during our campaign, they asked if we would come along to one of their sessions and share our expertise with the members and the wider business community. I am really looking forward to sharing my thoughts on all things digital. If you have a spare hour that day, please feel free to come along virtually and say hello.
Here is the event bumf:
Lunch and Learn – COVID-ready: preparing your marketing plan for the “second wave”

While consumers and businesses were understanding and forgiving of companies during the first lockdown, as we move into the “second wave” of Covid-19, it’s essential for businesses of all types to communicate clearly with their audience. With 7 months of learning behind us, it’s important that our marketing plans are reflective of the changing environment we are currently living in.

In this practical session, the Prohibition PR team will look at the essential steps you can take to ensure your social media is fit-for-purpose in this new world, and how to avoid making the mistakes of the past. During this session, they will share some useful data that illustrates how the pandemic is driving permanent behaviour change among consumers – and what this means for you.

They’ll cover:

1. Marketing lessons for businesses from the first lockdown
2. COVID-19 and Q4 – how are your customer’s attitudes changing?
3. Lessons learned in 2020
4. Tips to ensure you’re ready for the second wave
5. Case Studies
6. Q&A and Discussion.

This session is relevant to founders, entrepreneurs and marketers within start-up and SME businesses across all sectors.

If you are interested you can register for the event here.