Yesterday, I was searching the web to find a useful list of walking bloggers based in the UK and I couldn’t find much to help apart from a couple of decent walking magazines.

So in order to help anyone else who is interested in rambling or hill walking, I thought I would create my own list. So here are my top 15 walking and rambling blogs written in the UK.

I created this list by reading and reviewing each site and have used my own personal preference. I have found that most good walking blogs focus on useful advice and tips for where and when to go. I also noticed that many contain some amazing photography that makes you want to get up from your computer and set off there and then.

Apologies if there is anyone I have missed off but please feel free to share your blog in the comments section if you think it will be of interest.

  1. Step by Step
  2. Beating the Bounds – includes lots of beautiful nature photography
  3. Alan Sloman’s big Walk
  4. Baz’s Backpacking Blog– Baz has a long and useful blogroll if you want more to read
  5. Northern Pies– A Yorkshireman’s take on walking
  6. The Wilderness World of Cameron McNeish
  7. BG
  8. A little about not a lot
  9. Collected musings of a hill wanderer
  10. Must be this Way
  11. Northern Walker– a walker who has escaped the South East and now blogs about Northern and Scottish walks
  12. Rambling On– Steve’s (a member of the Hampstead Group of the Ramblers’ Association) personal take on rambling
  13. The Solitary Walker– A Bob Dylan and marmite fan shares his favourite walks and images
  14. Wight Rambler– All about walking on the Isle of Wight
  15. Big Galoot